Prayer Requests

Want someone to pray with you right now?

You also can reach Silent Unity, our movement’s worldwide prayer ministry, any time of the night or day by calling 1-800-669-7729. Every request to Silent Unity also is kept confidential and receives loving, compassionate attention. Or you can complete a confidential online prayer request to Silent Unity right now; just click here.

Prayer The Unity Way

Unity's idea of prayer may be something quite different from how you have traditionally thought of prayer.  Our prayer is not intended to change God's mind but to bring ourselves into alignment with the higher Truth of Peace, Harmony, and Love which is always available to us

Affirmative Prayer is an acceptance.

Our prayer does not beg or bargain with God.

We do not ask God to take pity on us or fix us.

We remind ourselves that as we are made "in the image and likeness" of God, then we must necessarily share the attributes of God and it must be in our nature to create.  We realize that we create with our thoughts, our beliefs, our expectations and our intentions and these are what we change through the process of affirmative prayer.

We pray in our own words, in a manner that is meaningful to the individual.  There are very few pre-written prayers other than the following one by James Dillet Freeman:

The Prayer for Protection
The light of God surrounds me.
The love of God enfolds me.
The power of God protects me.
The presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is and all is well.

At Unity of Nanaimo, we use this revised version:
The Light that is God surrounds me;
I am One with the Light.
The Love that is God enfolds me;
I am One with the Love.
The Power that is God protects me;
I am One with the Power.
The Presence that is God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is and all is well.

“Beloved, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.”
– Mark 11:24

Unity is a ministry founded on the power of prayer. It was through prayer that our co-founders, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, received significant and seemingly miraculous healings. Prayer always has been central to Unity and to our ministry at Unity Nanaimo.