Rev Vicki says, “Let’s look beyond the storyline as presented and uncover the deeper Truth that is applicable in our own lives right now. When we use metaphysical interpretation we discover the profound value these stories hold. I invite you to look with new eyes and create a personal revised relationship with the Bible.”
Five Tuesdays, March 15 – April 12 6–7:30 pm PT by zoom
Register & more info:
Join Wendy Karr, Licensed Unity Teacher, for a discussion series using Unity's Release and Renew 2022: A Spiritual Practice for Lent.
Discussions include how Unity interprets the various holy days of the season including Ash Wednesday, the 40 days of Lent, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Further discussions and exploration follow the daily readings from Unity's Lenten booklet.
8 Wednesdays, March 2 - April 20
3:00-4:00pm ET (time converter)
For more info, contact Wendy by email:
Wendy Karr has been a member of the Unity movement since 1984 and recently celebrated her 20th anniversary as a Licensed Unity Teacher. She currently serves as Licensed Unity Teacher Representative and Education Coordinator to Unity Canada, as well as serving on Unity Worldwide Ministries' Licensed Teacher Ministry Team.